Not only will you need to dress yourself for Halloween, but also your home. Why not make some homemade decorations instead of going for store bought ones? Here are some ideas.
1. Fake blood is a great addition to frightening figures. You don't necessarily have to use ketchup. Another way to gain this gruesome effect is with a mix of corn syrup (one cup), red food colouring (2 tablespoons) and yellow food colouring (1 tablespoon). Stir well and you'll find it looks more realistic than tomato sauce.
\"Halloween Decorations\"
2. To give the impression you have something sinister in your bushes, use a string of Christmas lights and a few 35mm film canisters. For the eyes, drill two holes on each one - make sure the canisters are facing you. Place the lights so that the light will come out of each hole. Tape in place.
If the lights are white you may wish to put red cellophane over the holes to create a more realistic impression of wolves in the bushes.
3. To make a tombstone, take some Styrofoam, grey spray paint and a marker. Cut out the gravestone, any size you wish, from the styrofoam. After that, spray paint it. Once dry, use the marker to write the deceased's name on it. When complete, plant the tombstones on your porch.
4. How about making some bats? You will need foam or construction paper. Once you've chosen the material, cut out the shape of a bat. Paint black and fix to the window or hang from the ceiling.
5. You could also decorate your chandelier. Create a less homely feel by fixing dead branches around it.
6. Glass jars can be useful for crafting Halloween creations. Inside them place water dyed with food coloring, then mix in plastic insects or body parts. To give more realism, place in ragged gauze or waxed string. Now they are ready to go on the dining table.
7. Why not ginger up the punch (but not in the usual way), drop in a hand! Get a plastic glove and some ice. The ice goes inside the glove - don't forget to tie the top. The ice will enable your dismembered hand to float menacingly in the punch.
8. Halloween is not Halloween without a pumpkin. You'll need to purchase one from your store, unless you grow your own. Hollow out the insides, perhaps cut of a face or design then place a candle in the bottom. It will look super guarding your front door.
There are dozens of Halloween decorations you can make. Have a go at some of these, or if they don't take your fancy simply search the net for more suitable ones.
How To Make Your Own Halloween Decorations
Helen Harvey simply adores Halloween, dressing up and trick or treating (she's a big kid at heart!). She has a new website called Here, she reviews the timeless Child Cinderella Costume and also looks at the different Prince Charming Costumes available to buy online.